Sunday, July 25, 2010

That Neo-Kipling thing I wrote

Regarding that "I am now channeling the spirit of Rudyard Kipling thing I wrote last week:

I tweaked the scansion a little bit. It now scans to Leslie Fish's tune for Bridge-Guard in the Karoo. (one of my favorite Kipling poems actually)

I also varied up the chorus a bit. (as Kipling was wont to do)

Want to play a game? How many poems do I explicitly or implicitly reference?


(What Would Rudyard Write?)
Words copyright Mark E. Horning

I read in the paper this morning,
I've seen it again and again,
As the oil spreads to the beaches,
Where the sea-walls fail to retain,

That the sons of Mary still dither,
While Martha's Sons still toil,
Ignore the bureaucrat mandates,
And strive to recover the oil.

...And hist'ry repeats before us,
...As we struggle (with) the past in vain.
...The lesson still stands before us,
...And Kipling he saw it plain.

The Treasury's printing out paper,
Our gold and silver replaced.
But it cannot appease the builders,
Nor the Gods of the Marketplace.

The Gods of the Copybook Headings
Have told us down throughout time,
(That) You first have to slaughter the meat-beast,
Before you intend to dine.

...And hist'ry's bearing down on us,
...Like a relentless fate-bound train.
...The lesson still stands before us,
...And Kipling he saw it plain.

Our troops are set forth to conquer,
In Iraq and Afghanistan,
While our leaders refuse them (their) honor,
Or even a vic'try plan.

And invaders trouble our borders,
Seeking our wealth for to pay.
The rich lazy nation's yielding.
That danger shall not go away.

...And hist'ry repeats before us,
...Amazing, uncaring, arcane.
...The lesson still stands before us,
...And Kipling he saw it plain.

The chattering classes bicker,
And struggle for power's reins.
The recession widens and deepens,
While men succumb to the strain.

The Old Issue stands before us,
Dwarfing our hearts and our brains.
Hear the reeds of Runnymede weeping,
(As we) bow down to take up our chains.

...And hist'ry's repeating before us,
...The same struggle day after day.
...The lesson still standing before us;
...What would old Rudyard Say?

Mark E. Horning

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