Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Global what?

It raining. Again. In Phoenix. Rain.

Clearly the Global Warming fanatics are way off base.
Also the Global Cooling advocates are dead wrong.

It's not Global Warming
It's not Global Cooling
It's Global Wettening.

I'm telling you, if humanity does not get it's act together really soon and do something about this, the future is going to look awfully damp.

Please people... Stop Global Wettening before it's too late!


Unknown said...


So God changed his mind and is going to flood the world again?

Brett said...

Yeah, but it makes pulling the weeds that popped up after the last soaking much easier!

Unknown said...

"Yeah, but it makes pulling the weeds that popped up after the last soaking much easier!"

It really helps with the ditch digging too.