Monday, September 8, 2008

The Knowledge Seekers

So I tried to write a neo-Pagan filk song.
Yeah, I know.
The anarcho-capitalist, objectivist, phisicist, Atheist with a capitol "A" attempted to write a neo-Pagan filk song.


This is what came out instead:

The Knowledge Seekers

We are worshiping Prometheus in a new and modern way
And we light the flame of knowledge at the dawning of each day
From the largest wheeling galaxy, to the smallest grain of sand
We seek to know its measure, and we strive to understand.

Near my living room's a temple, in what some folk call a den
The walls are lined with bookcases. There's a notebook and a pen.
There's a sacrificial alter, it's called a shredder, by the door
And a stack of journal articles published the week before

We have seen the moons of Saturn, and heard the winds of Titan roar
And every day we find new things we'd never found before
The sun's missing neutrinos, water on the Moon and Mars
Or another planet orbiting about another distant star.

The universal building blocks we have cataloged in rows
And we've set them into columns, their secrets to expose
We sing a hymn to chemistry, our hearts and minds sublime
And we'll build a shrine to knowledge one atom at a time.

We've mapped the gods' blueprint for live, charted our DNA
Produced vaccines and medicines to keep the ancient scourge at bay
We learn, and craft experiments, peel mysteries away
Until like gods ourselves we shall make life itself one day.

We have delved the realm of atoms, split the nucleus in twain.
Knowledge is like a Genie; you can't put it back again.
A tool is what you make of it; it is neither good nor bad.
Though we may pray for greater wisdom, than the gods have ever had.

We are the knowledge seekers, and we seek to know it all
Know the universe itself down to each particle so small
And if learning is a journey, well our feet are on the road.
And we thank the god of knowledge, and the fire he bestowed.

Final Chorus:
We are worshiping Prometheus in a new and modern way
And we light the flame of knowledge at the dawning of each day
From the largest wheeling galaxy, to the smallest grain of sand
We seek to know its measure, and we strive... we strive... to understand.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The man who offered to go banish the scary monsters with a physics textbook? Yeah, this song doesn't surprise me. That is one of my favorite stories.